College of Arts | College of Education | Student Recruitment Office
Technological Institute of the Philippines (T.I.P.) - Quezon City
5th T.I.P. Inter High School Academic Competitions 2024
April 26, 2024 | Congregating Area, T.I.P. Quezon City
In the pursuit of excellence and the perpetuation of a legacy deeply rooted in technological and humanities educational advancement, the Technological Institute of the Philippines (T.I.P.) introduces the T.I.P. Academic Competition.
This multidisciplinary contest is designed to celebrate and honor the remarkable contributions of its founders, Engr. Demetrio A. Quirino, Jr., and Dr. Teresita U. Quirino, whose vision and dedication have been the cornerstone of the institute's enduring success.
The competition encompasses four key areas: Oration, Declamation, Essay Writing, and Quiz Bee, each chosen for its capacity to cultivate intellectual agility, articulate expression, and profound understanding among Senior High School students.
1 | The theme of the competition will be "Strengthening the foundation of Humanities education in the 21st Century." |
2 | This will be held on Friday, April 26, 2024, from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM, at the Congregating Area in the morning and the afternoon session. |
3 | This contest is free of charge and open to all Grade 12 students enrolled in HUMSS, General Academic, and Arts and Media Tracks/Strands in the Public and Private Senior High Schools in the Divisions of Caloocan, Pasig, Marikina, San Juan, Mandaluyong, and Quezon City, Bulacan, City of San Jose Del Monte, Antipolo City, and Rizal including those of the Science High Schools and Technical/Integrated Schools, targeting those students who are incoming college in the School Year 2024-2025. |
4 | All contestants, coach/es, and alternate contestants (if any) must be registered in order to participate in the event to ensure safety and security. There is on-site registration in T.I.P. but participants are encouraged to register online by visiting the link http://bit.ly/5thTIPInterHigh for convenience. If the contingent is already pre-registered online, no need for on-site registration, unless, there are changes in the names of contestants. |
5 | Contestant/s and Coach/es should come to the venue of the competition in their complete School uniform with school ID or, as the case may be, in their school’s PE Uniform with school ID. |
6 | Participating schools are allowed to bring other student-spectators aside from the registered contestants provided the names of these additional student-spectators are likewise registered upon entry. They should likewise wear the official school uniform/PE uniform with school ID. |
7 | The contest is a whole-day event. The contestants/participants are advised to bring their packed lunch. |
8 | After the registration, there shall be a Career Talk and Campus Tour of T.I.P. facilities. The participants are enjoined to participate for them to be check on the facilities and to see T.I.P up close and personal. Coaches/Trainors may join too, but are not required. |
9 | During a short break, snacks will be served after which, contestants will now ready themselves for the competitions. The contested events will be Oration and Essay Writing in the morning, and Declamation and Quiz Bee in the afternoon. |
1 | Participants will deliver speeches that reflect the values and history of T.I.P., showcasing their ability to inspire and engage an audience. |
2 | Each school must have only one (1) contestant. |
3 | The medium to be utilized is English Language only. |
4 | The theme shall be "Strengthening the foundation of Humanities education in the 21st Century." |
5 |
Contest piece should be an original composition of either the student or the coach/trainor and a copy of which should be submitted to the committee on the day of the competition and heretofore shall become property of the competition organizers. |
6 | Necessary citations should be reflected when lifting/borrowing words from other sources. A reference or bibliography page/section should be included in the final hard copy submission. |
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The submitted contest piece should contain the following information at the topmost portion of the piece:
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The contest piece delivered should not exceed five (8) minutes but not less than three (5) minutes. The timer shall commence the moment the contestant utters the first word. A buzzer will be sounded when the time is up (5 minutes), effectively ending the delivery, finished or unfinished, thus, point deductions will be unnecessary. |
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The Board of Judges will use the following criteria in evaluating the performance of each contestant:
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There shall be a Champion, a First Runner-up and a Second Runner-up among the contestants who will receive the following prizes:
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The scholarship award is to be availed by the winners only upon enrollment in either Bachelor of Arts in English Language or Bachelor of Arts in Political Science programs of T.I.P. Quezon City for the First Semester of S.Y. 2024- 2025.
The scholarship consists of Free Tuition and Basic Miscellaneous Fees good for the first semester only. It should not supersede the standard entrance scholarships being offered by T.I.P. to incoming college freshmen such that in the event of multiple scholarship eligibilities, the scholarship that has the best/better benefit shall be honored.
It is not transferrable nor convertible to cash. |
1 | Contestants will perform a given piece, demonstrating their capacity for emotional expression and interpretive understanding. |
2 |
Each school must have only one (1) contestant. |
3 | Participants shall be provided a copy of a declamation piece deliverable within 5-7 minutes. |
4 | Timing begins on the first word and stops on the last word uttered. The performance will be stopped when the allotted time expires so that there will be no point deduction. |
5 | Each contestant shall perform the same declamation piece entitled "A Glass of Cold Water", a copy of which can be downloaded here. |
6 | The piece should be memorized. Notes and cue cards are not allowed during the contest and there shall be no substitution of piece, no background image nor audio-video effects. |
7 | Contestants shall be in an appropriate costume and shall use props whenever necessary with caution in consideration of safety and security of the performer and everyone. |
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The criteria for judging include:
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There shall be a Champion, a First Runner-up and a Second Runner-up among the contestants who will receive the following prizes:
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The scholarship award is to be availed by the winners only upon enrollment in either Bachelor of Secondary Education major in English/Sciences/Math or Bachelor of Special Needs Education of T.I.P. Quezon City for the First Semester of S.Y. 2024-2025. The scholarship consists of Free Tuition and Basic Miscellaneous Fees good for the first semester only. It should not supercede the standard entrance scholarships being offered by T.I.P. to incoming college freshmen such that in the event of multiple scholarship eligibilities, the scholarship which has the best/better benefit shall be honored. It is not transferrable nor convertible to cash. |
1 | Contestants will compose essays on themes that resonate with the Quirinos' vision for education, emphasizing analytical depth, originality, and coherence. |
2 | Each school must have only one (1) contestant. |
3 | The medium to be utilized is English Language only. |
4 | Contestants should bring a blue ink pen and yellow pad paper. |
5 | The committee will announce the theme of the essay contest on the spot, and the contestants will be given a time allocation of one hour to write their pieces |
6 | All submitted entries heretofore shall become the property of the competition organizers. |
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The submitted contest piece should contain the following information at the topmost left corner of the paper:
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The Board of Judges will use the following criteria in evaluating the output of each contestant:
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There shall be a Champion, a First Runner-up and a Second Runner-up among the contestants who will receive the following prizes:
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The scholarship award is to be availed by the winner only upon enrollment in either Bachelor of Arts in English Language or Bachelor of Arts in Political Science programs of T.I.P. Quezon City for the First Semester of S.Y. 2024-2025.
The scholarship consists of Free Tuition and Basic Miscellaneous Fees good for the first semester only. It should not supersede the standard entrance scholarships being offered by T.I.P. to incoming college freshmen such that in the event of multiple scholarship eligibilities, the scholarship which has the best/better benefit shall be honored.
It is not transferrable nor convertible to cash. |
1 | Teams will compete in a multidisciplinary quiz that covers subjects such as science, technology, engineering, arts, and humanities, general knowledge, current events, and T.I.P. history, underlining the institute's holistic approach to education covering both local and international in scope |
2 | There shall only be one (1) team per school composed of three (3) members. |
3 | The Quiz Bee shall be composed of three rounds; Novice, Acolyte, and Genius. In the event of a tie, a Clincher Round Question will be given to break such tie. |
4 | Each correct answer shall correspond to 1, 2, 3, and 4 points respectively, for each round. The Quizmaster shall read the questions TWICE ONLY. |
5 | Each time shall be provided with an Answer Board, pieces of chalk and an eraser. |
6 | For the Novice and Acolyte Rounds, the time allotted is ten (10) and fifteen (15) seconds before the contestants will show their answer boards. The Genius Round as well as the Clincher Round Questions has twenty (20) seconds time allotment, respectively. |
7 | For the Novice Round, only the letter of their correct choice must be written in the answer boards while in the Acolyte Round, they must write their chosen answer between two options given. For the Genius and Clincher Rounds which are both identifications, the answer must be written and spelled correctly. |
8 | No team should start writing their answer unless the Quizmaster signals them to do so. They must likewise stop writing when the time allotted for each round expires. |
9 | As the buzzer has sounded, the teams should automatically raise their answer boards for appraisal. The Quizmaster, with the help of the scorers/tabulators, will identify every correct and incorrect answer. Points shall be recorded accurately in the tabulation board. |
10 | Questions and/or disputes must be raised immediately by any of the team members and/or the official coach/trainor only PRIOR to the reading of a new question, otherwise, it will not be entertained. |
11 | Scores will be evaluated at the end of Novice Round where the bottom three (3) teams shall be eliminated from the contest. |
12 | The remaining teams shall now advance to the Acolyte Round with their scores be carried over. The first teams to garner eight (8) points after five (5) questions or beyond will automatically advance to the Genius Round and wait for their opponents. |
13 | In the event that five (5) or more teams have qualified and advanced to the Genius Round, the competition for the said round shall immediately proceed with their accumulated scores from the previous two rounds shall be carried over; the remaining teams with lower scores shall be eliminated. |
14 | The Final five (5) or more teams will vie as Champion, First Runner-up and Second Runner-up. |
15 | For the Genius Round, the Quizmaster will let the highest scoring team/s to draw a category flashed on the screen where a question shall be read. |
16 | After all the categories have been expended, the scores shall be tabulated. The highest scoring teams will be declared winners (Champion, First Runner-up and Second Runner-up). |
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In case of tie, a Clincher Round Question will be read until winners are determined. They will receive prizes as follows:
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The scholarship award is to be availed by the winner only upon enrollment in either Bachelor of Arts in English Language or Bachelor of Arts in Political Science programs of T.I.P. Quezon City for the First Semester of S.Y. 2024-2025.
The scholarship consists of Tuition and Basic Miscellaneous Fees good for the first semester only. It should not supersede the standard entrance scholarships being offered by T.I.P. to incoming college freshmen such that in the event of multiple scholarship eligibilities, the scholarship that has the best/better benefit shall be honored.
It is not transferrable nor convertible to cash. |
19 | The organizers have the right to alter/modify the contest proceedings should the need arise. |
20 | The Quiz Bee Committee decision shall be deemed final and irrevocable. |