The Bachelor of Arts in Political Science of the Technological Institute of the Philippines is designed to bring understanding on the theoretical and practical concerns of governance. In addition, the course covers a wide range of experience in both oral and written communications using the basic principles of the course.
Program Educational Objectives
Three to five years after graduation, the Bachelor of Arts alumni shall:
• have advanced their practice or achievement in the field of Arts and/or other endeavors or advocacies supported by their acquired education;
• strive to be globally competitive through
- living by the T.I.P. mission values, pursuing continuing education, and practicing continuous quality improvement
(CQI) in their personal lives;
- continuously scanning, adopting and building on the best practices in their field.
By the time of graduation, Bachelor of Arts students will be able to:
a. articulate and discuss the latest developments in the specific field of practice;
b. use the techniques, skills, and modern technology necessary for the practice of the profession;
c. apply knowledge of contemporary issues and principles of ethics relevant to professional practice;
d. demonstrate a service orientation in one’s profession;
e. function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams and in multidisciplinary settings;
f. communicate effectively in oral and in written English;
g. recognize the need for, and prepare to engage in lifelong learning;
h. preserve and promote “Filipino historical and cultural heritage”.