The Doctor in Information Technology program aims to satisfy the needs of professionals who occupy or shall occupy positions of influence in the Information Technology community to perform fundamental and high-level research of professional significance.
Graduates of this program will be prepared to lead in academia, industry or research, making significant contribution to ever-evolving landscape of information technology.
The program requires the student to complete 24 units of coursework, pass a comprehensive examination, and complete 12 units of dissertation. The curriculum is designed to be completed in three years on a semestral basis. The first year is dedicated to completing the academic requirements, including industry immersion.
The dissertation work shall be taken for the remaining two years of the program. The dissertation courses shall require the presentation of the research in a national or international conference and publication in a national or international refereed conference proceedings or journal.
Three to five years after graduation, the Doctor in Information Technology (DIT) alumni shall:
- have advanced their practice or achievement in the field of Information Technology and/or other endeavors or advocacies, including technopreneurship, supported by their acquired information technology education;
- be globally competitive through
- living by the T.I.P. mission values, engaging in lifelong learning, and practicing continuous quality improvement in their personal lives;
- continuously scanning, adopting, and building on the best practices in their field;
- contributing to the advancement of learning in the field of Information Technology through research and professional practice.
By the time of graduation, students will have the ability to:
1. Develop solutions to highly complex Information Technology problems with full independence and/or in multidisciplinary teams in a more complex setting. |
2. Demonstrate proficiency in conducting complex research in the field of Information Technology. |
3. Communicate effectively in a variety of professional contexts. |
4. Demonstrate advanced management skills in a complex Information Technology project in a specialized or multidisciplinary field. |
5. Apply ethical and professional principles in the practice of Information Technology. |
6. Apply highly advanced knowledge and skills for the advancement of learning. |