The Architecture program develops students' skills in architectural design, freehand drawing, surveying, and model making and rendering, as well as skills in management related to construction projects. It includes subjects in architectural design, construction materials, and construction management.
The program is designed to provide a broad foundation for the development of social and environmental awareness, problem-solving ability and design creativity.
From PACUCOA: Level II First Reaccredited Status in Architecture
From the ASEAN University Network-Quality Assurance (AUN-QA)
Three to five years after graduation, the Architecture alumni shall:
- have advanced their practice or achievement in the field of Architecture and/or other endeavors or advocacies
supported by their acquired education; - strive to be globally competitive through
- living by the T.I.P. mission values, pursuing continuing education, and practicing continuous quality improvement (CQI) in their personal lives;
- continuously scanning, adopting, and building on the best practices in their field.
By the time of graduation, BS Architecture students will be able to:
a. keep abreast with the developments in the field of architecture practice
b. communicate effectively in oral and in written English, including visual communication
c. work effectively and independently in multidisciplinary and multicultural team
d. act in recognition of professional, ethical & social responsibility
e. create architectural solutions by applying knowledge in history, theory, planning, building technology and utilities, structural concepts, and professional practice
f. use concepts and principles from specialized fields and allied disciplines into various architectural problem
g. prepare contract documents, technical reports, and other legal documents used in architectural practice adhering to applicable laws, standards, and regulations
h. interpret and apply relevant laws, codes, charters and standards of architecture and the built environment
i. apply research methods to address architectural problems
j. use various information and communication technology (ICT) media for architectural solutions, presentations, and techniques in design and construction
k. acquire entrepreneurial and business acumen relevant to architecture practice
l. apply knowledge in construction management and building administration